Using the Law of Attraction To Win The Lottery?
It seems that many times, when a person first hears about or begins to understand the ideas behind the law of attraction and "vibration" based philosophies, they soon think of one thing. Winning the lottery through desire and law of attraction.
Okay, so maybe not everyone thinks immediately of winning the lottery, but many do, and many may also believe in some scenario that creates a sudden financial windfall and/or success financially. What better way than the quickest and easiest of them all? The lottery. Financial freedom is a universal desire that nearly everyone dreams about.
The trouble with using the law of attraction to manifest winning the lottery is that a lot of us have a hard time truly believing in the possibility. We think thoughts that make us question ourselves and put doubt in our minds. Do you truly believe you can and/or will win the lottery? Do you secretly harbor doubts about your chances of winning? Does the thought of winning the lottery make you anxious or apprehensive about suddenly having that much money and wealth? Do you feel guilty or unworthy about the idea of suddenly having wealth without "earning" it? Will you feel the same if you don't immediately win the lottery? These are many of the questions that may impede, not just your chance of winning the lottery, but of being financially successful in general.
So, how does one approach using "Law of Attraction" to manifest a lottery win? The popular entity known as Bashar (channeled by Daryl Anka) mentions some very interesting ideas about using the law of attraction and manifestation techniques if trying to win the lottery. He notes how many people aren't really as excited about winning the lottery as they think.
Many of us have big internal hangups about that amount of money. It might actually make us feel uncomfortable or nervous when thinking of winning the lottery. And it's exactly that kind of attitude that you can't have if you truly want to win or are going to win.
With that, one "secret" is to essentially approach the lottery with the intent to change your reality to one where your numbers are the winners, instead of hoping or feeling lucky to pick the numbers. Don't try to pick the winning numbers, instead, "switch" to a reality where your numbers are the winning numbers. Easier said than done.
As Bashar also says, even if you don't win the lottery itself, you can still win in the sense that you can change your ideas and how you feel about abundance, money, and wealth. And that is the whole idea anyways, to feel wealthy regardless of circumstances, and only then will true wealth be had.
Even if you don't win the lottery tomorrow it's still very useful to confront yourself about how you truly feel towards money, wealth, and success. And in so doing you will improve your life, regardless of winning or not. In fact, paradoxically, if you were to not focus on winning the lottery but just being "successful" and abundant, you would probably have a much better chance of winning the lottery or a big prize.
A now famous lottery winner, Eddie Coronado, has written two books on the subject of using the law of attraction to manifest winning the lottery. He goes into detail on the best practices for using law of attraction and how to manifest desires in general. Both are very highly rated and are just good books for learning how to use mental discipline and law of attraction.